Friday, December 28, 2007

Yuengling - America's Oldest Brewery

Beer - there's no denying it is part of our culture. Popularity rises and falls, depending on fads, but overall beer in general always hangs strong. This decade microbreweries are in high fashion within the beer world. In what other time in American history could you walk into a local pub and ask for an oatmeal stout with chocolate overtones and not get laughed at?

But let's take a step back to the beginning of American beer history. If you've ever wondered what beer brand has been around the longest there is only one undeniable answer - Yuengling! It's been pleasing pub frequenters for over 178 years.

I'm not the biggest beer fan, as I only drink it less than a handful of times a year, but I do like good beer - beer that has a distinctive flavor and full body. Don't worry I'm not going to go connoisseur on you, so beyond those two descriptions that's it for my basic needs as an infrequent beer consumer.

I've been on one beer tour to date and that was a spur of the moment, dropped in because I happened to be nearby, trip to Yuengling Brewery in Pottsville Pennsylvania. It was very educational and you are paid well for your journey up and down all those steps by having a chance to sample 2 cups of Yeungling straight from the tap. I found two new favorites that day - Porter and Lord Chesterfield. It was during the last leg of the trip that I attained enlightenment over what a bung hole was. If you go to their website and click on "Fine Beers" they give a nice description of every beer they make.

Pottsville is a friendly little town tucked away in the hills of Eastern Pennsylvania. (I'd call them mountains, being from the East, but those of you that have experienced The Rockies might argue what makes a mountain.) Nearby there are coal mines to visit as well as natural caves. If you are traveling by car, are in the general area, and have some time, be sure to pick up some brochures of the area and discover some real gems.  If you are a fan of American Literature you may already know that John O'Hara was born in Pottsville and there is a historical marker a few blocks from the brewery, marking where he lived.

If you have not tried Yuengling, and are lucky enough to live in a state it distributes in, be sure to ask around for it. I'm seeing a variety showing up in liquor stores that only had the Lager if I was lucky. This Christmas I was pleasantly surprised to find not only Lager, but every single flavor Yuengling makes stocked at my local liquor warehouse.

Merry Christmas to me and the six pack of dark and yummy Yuengling Porter! (Full of B vitamins by the way.)

Until next time - Have a Happy and Safe New Year!