If you are looking for a 140 words or less money making opportunity, this is not for you. If you are not willing to spend a few hours a day several times a week writing and tending to a blog, this is probably not for you.
However, if you don't mind writing brief yet valuable common sense articles worth more than $2, Blogsvertise may be for you.
Blogsvertise provides plenty of opportunities that are proportional to the quality of your blog and the timeliness, participation and overall quality of your submissions.
Most articles you will be asked to post on your website should generally consist of about 3 solid paragraphs implementing common grammar rules and pertain to the subject. You'll be asked sometimes to place anchor text and specific links within your article.
I'd suggest not having anymore than a quarter of all the articles on your blog be paid in any way or have obvious advertising links within the article. Take the time to fill all your profile information to help advertisers find you. Return to the website often to accept "grab bag" opportunities!
This is a great way to hone your writing skills, by working outside of your usual topical comfort zone, and... you get paid!
Obviously there are other things you need to do to maintain a successful blog, so this is not a beginner's course. You must already have an established blog and be willing to write articles within the guidelines of advertisers. Their requirements for acceptance are usually quite simple. Just pay attention to the details and if you want your money ASAP always check that your links lead to the correct page and the keyword is exactly as written.
I've been using Blogsvertise for almost a year now, I've always been paid a fair price.
Head on over to Blogsvertise to sign up to start receiving opportunities in your email today!
(my opinion is my own and not that of Blogvertise or Blogger)