RepairPal is a free website dedicated to making life easier for the automobile owner. The average car owner knows the dread of finding a repair shopping and fretting over the cost, fearing the worst and many times not knowing what to expect. With this all-in-one site owners can find repair shops, get estimates, keep a service record and look up information on many aspects of car repair and maintenance in the encyclopedia.
For instance, if you live in the Houston, Texas area, you can just search for a repair shop by model of your car and be provided with an extensive list and a Google map. Shops are rated by customers like you with a 5 star system. An example of a highly rated shop in that area that repairs Buicks would be RMS Auto Care, which has been rated twice. Affiliations such as AAA are provided and a favored shop can be saved if you signed up for a free account.
If you are interested in specific information about a car, for example an 1999 Acura TL, reviews and ratings are provided as well as common problems and recalls, all in an organized tabbed page. This particular car has been rated 16 times in the past couple years. There are several electrical recalls and issues on airbags.
Interested in learning about engine oil or changing a filter? You will find what you need in the encyclopedia. If you don't find all the information you need, there is a convenient button to ask a question. There are related issues that may be helpful listed at the bottom of the page. In this instance engine temperature warning light and oil change indicator light information suggested pages as well as several others are listed.
Ever wonder what's up with replacing brake rotors or disc brakes and why they cost so much on some cars? Properly working brakes are essential to safe driving. With the encyclopedia you can start your journey in becoming educated about the workings of your car. There are other parts that may have to be replaced, such as the bearings. Brakes should always be replaced in sets and other problems can be determined by a technician taking a good look at brake pads or shoes, such as uneven wear.
Owning an automobile doesn't have to be as stressful as it is. Keeping records organized and sharing information about repair shops and specific models of cars can make a world of difference. Logging in to RepairPal to get an estimate can help prepare you for your trip to the shop. The best part is that all these services are free.