Saturday, March 6, 2010

Schedule Posterous Posts With SocialOomph

SocialOomph, previously known as TweetLater, is a productivity tool that I use on a regular basis.  It allows me to save and control my tweets with ease.  Since I started using it there have been many useful tools added, including the ability to schedule blog posts for WordPress, Tumblr and Blogger as well as any blogging platform that supports APIs for Atom Post, metaWeblog and Moveable Type.

SocialOomph has also recently implemented a free default URL shortener ( and allows all users to review statistics.  One less step in the process of tweeting.

Some features at SocialOomph are for Professional users, but if you are serious about your social networks or a professional blogger it is well worth being able to organize and distribute postings, RSS feeds and status messages in one place.  

Since I've registered with Twitter there have been many related websites I've taken for a spin.  SocialOomph is one that I've used almost since the beginning.  The interface is user friendly and I've never had a problem.  I highly recommend even just the basic features as a way of boosting productivity. Visit their front page for the very long list of tools available, many free, many more available to SocialOomph Professional users.

The following is a list of just the basic features:
Schedule tweets — Plan, set & forget
Track keywords — Empower yourself 
Extended Twitter profiles — Promote yourself 
Save and reuse drafts — Save hours of typing
Send DMs to new followers — Automate URL shortening — Track your clicks 
Follow those who follow you — Automate 
Unfollow those who unfollow you — Automate
Vet new followers — Semi-automation 
View @Mentions & Retweets — Efficiency 
Purge your DM Inbox — Keep it tidy 
Secure Twitter access — No password required
Personal status feed — Your own tweet engine 
Respect StatusNet site limits — Be nice 
Unlimited accounts — No charge 

Read more about updates and news at SocialOomph's blog.