Colloidal silver is helpful in many ways. It used to be more popular before the advent of modern antibiotics, but it is again regaining popularity.
Silver is nature’s own little wonder metal, with its ability to kill disease causing organisms. It is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the most powerful antibiotics known to man. (“The Health Benefits of Colloidal Silver”, Healtmad, Novie 2006)
Wikipedia defines a colloid as particles which remain suspended without forming an ionic, or dissolved solution.
It goes on to state: The broader commercial definition of "colloidal silver" includes products that contain various concentrations of ionic silver, silver colloids, ionic silver compounds or silver proteins in purified water. Colloidal silver with concentrations of 30 parts per million (ppm) or less are typically manufactured using an electrolysis process, whereas colloidal silver with higher concentrations of 50 ppm or more are usually silver compounds that have been bound with a protein.
Dr. Bob Beck helped to popularize colloidal silver once again. He has since passed on, but did authorize just one company, SOTA, to manufacture products according to his specifications, such as the Silver Pulser and Ozonator water oxygenator. You can learn more about Dr. Bob Beck and his inventions on this health documents page. There is also a downloadable PDF with instructions to create your own Silver Pulser.
Some places sell a very expensive and watered down version of colloidal silver. When tested the ppm is extremely low. Their defense is that they are using a homeopathic method, in which the water takes on the properties of the particles. I have trouble believing this. If it were true, then would there be any malnutrition or hunger in the world?
It is most economical and reliable to learn how to create your own colloidal silver with either a homemade or store bought device and keep a supply on hand. I make my own about once month which only takes a few minutes of setup and a few hours keeping an eye on the process. Since I have started taking maintenance doses that costs but a few cents, I no longer catch any colds. I’ve also noticed it seems to reduce the swelling and itching of bothersome mosquito bites when I apply a compress soaked in colloidal silver.
If you would like to try making colloidal silver watch this video: