"Welcome to those who will dare to think the unthinkable, the awakened warriors, and you evolutionary scouts. You are in good company..."
--Jim Channon
Starring George Clooney, Keven Spacey, Jeff Bridges, Ewan McGregor and of course the goat, this quirky dark comedy is based on the book written by Jon Ronson.
At first it was hard to believe this movie was based on a real life story about a top-secret wing of the U.S. military. I found out that there was also a documentary released in 2004 by Ronson that ties into the book. Ronson talks to Jim Channon, Albert Stubblebine, Guy Savelli and other figures associated with a secret US Army unit founded in 1979 called the First Earth Battalion.
I have learned much since being sucked into this wormhole opened up to me by a simple movie trailer. There is much much more I have to learn and I'll be glad to drag a few million movie goers along for the ride.
If you'd like to learn more, you can begin your journey where I started, over at First Earth Battalion.
According to Channon the following will be scrolled at the end of the movie:
"Thank you to Jim Channon Cmdr First Earth Battalion and the military mavericks of the FirstEarthBattalion.org who to this day help keep our hardworking militaries focused on creative service to our planet."
Be Wonderful!
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